Single in New Orleans? You’re not alone…

Singles? Louisiana is first in something!Single

A recent report listed New Orleans (58%) as having the largest percentage of single residents of any metro area in the US, and Louisiana (55.7%) as the most “single” state.  Moreover, according to statisticians, for the first time in our history, “singles” make up the majority of the US population (51%).

So, is everyone in NOLA on the hunt for a great date?  Let’s take a closer look at the numbers.
“Single,” according to US census data, is anyone who is not legally married.  While that includes young singles of prime dating age who fill our colleges, service industries, and professional jobs, it also includes a lot of other people…

  • johncoulter_perfect_chemistry_lcsAnyone over 16 who isn’t yet married (yes, the census data begins with 16 year old’s – thank God few are married)
  • Anyone who’s in a committed relationship (aka – a couple) but not legally married
  • Those who choose not to marry, but are none-the-less committed to their partner
  • Those who are separated or divorced from their spouse, or between relationships
  • Same-sex couples for whom legal marriage is not currently an option
  • Widows, who have lost a spouse (Louisiana has a large nursing home population)

Dating in NOLA

Most people want to be in a stable, loving relationship, whether legally married or not, and stable relationships are good for everyone.

Healthy relationships can be supported across the lifespan:

  • First by teaching kids and adolescents what a healthy relationship entails, good communication skills, and conflict resolution in Relationship Chemistryrelationships.
  • Promoting healthy singleness in preparation for a relationship if one so chooses.
  • Good premarital counseling that fosters connection and realistic expectations.
  • Services and information to support families through normal family-life changes and parenting challenges.
  • Solid divorce counseling and co-parenting services if needed.
  • Information to help widows deal with the grief and loss of loosing those you love.


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